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Case document context menu

This pop-up menu is displayed whenever you click a case document window with the right mouse button. It offers the following options:

Save As… Invokes the Save Case Document As command and displays the Save Case Document As dialog.
Save to Disk Invokes the Save Case Document command. No dialog is displayed. The document is saved using the name and options that apply to the currently open document window.
Close Invokes the Close Case Document command. No dialog is displayed
Print... Invokes the Print Case Document command and displays the Print Case Document dialog. In the dialog, the option Print to is set to printer and is inaccessible.
Copy… Invokes the Print Case Document command and displays the Print Case Document dialog. In the dialog, the option Print to is set to clipboard and is inaccessible.
Analyze Predefined… Invokes the Analyze Case Document command and displays the Analyze Case Document dialog. In the dialog, the option Variable definition is set to from predefined list and is inaccessible.
Analyze Custom… Invokes the Analyze Case Document command and displays the Analyze Case Document dialog. In the dialog, the option Variable definition is set to from custom file and is inaccessible.
Properties… Iinvokes the Case Properties command and displays the Case Properties dialog.
Zoom Path… Invokes the Zoom Path command and displays the Zoom Path dialog.
Zoom Case Iinvokes the Zoom Case command. Wintrack will redisplay the case document so the selected trials are shown at a maximal size without changing the window size. No dialog is displayed: use the mouse to select trials before selecting this option.
Acquire Trial… Invokes the Acquire Trial command and displays the Acquire Trial dialog.

Closes the pop up menu without invoking any commands. No dialog is displayed.

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