David P. Wolfer, MD
Institute of Anatomy UZH and IBWS ETH Zurich
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Invited talks

[ 2023 | 19 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01 | earlier ]


84. 24.06.23
Stanford University, Program for Integrated Neuroscience Technologies (SPrINT)
Neurobehavior Symposium & Workshop 24-30.06.23
"Behavioral phenotyping of mice: finding the needle in the haystack"

83. 23.02.23
Webinar Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Master course in Science and Welfare of the Laboratory Animal
"Influence of genetic background on phenotype, examples in neurobiology"


82. 28.08.19
Pühajärve / University of Tartu
Baltic summer school on behavioural characterization of rodent models of major brain disorders
"Testing cognitive functions in the homecage setting"

81. 12.03.19
Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Genetics of Laboratory Animals and Experimental Models
"Influence of genotypes and phenotypes, neurobiological examples"


80. 31.08.16
Pühajärve / University of Tartu
Course behavioral phenotyping of rodent disease models – potential and pitfalls
"Assessing mouse behavior in a social homecage context"

79. 06.04.16
Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Master course in Science and Welfare of the Laboratory Animal
"Influence of genetic background on phenotype, examples in neurobiology"


78. 05.11.14
InsideScientific Webinar
How to Investigate Behavior and Cognitive Abilities of Individual Rodents in a Social Group
"Behavioral phenotyping in IntelliCage: from spontaneous behavior to cognition"


77. 28.08.13
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
4th Postgraduate ONWAR Course in Behavioral Neuroscience
"A cognitive test battery for the mouse home cage"

76. 19.04.13
ScandLAS 2013 Symposium, Tallinn
"Assessing cognitive function of mice in a social context"

75. 17.04.13
Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Master course in Science and Welfare of the Laboratory Animal
"Influence of genetic background on phenotype, examples in neurobiology"


74. 14.11.12
Institut du Fer à Moulin - Inserm 839, Paris
IBRO Workshop: Optimal use of animal models in today's reserarch
"Handling genetic background issues in behavioral phenotyping of mice"

73. 29.08.12
8th Measuring Behavior Conference 2012, Utrecht
Special session "From classic to automated homecage phenotyping", lecture:
"Mouse phenotyping in the IntelliCage: from spontaneous behavior to cognitive function"


72. 16.09.11
ZNZ Symposium 2011, Zürich
"Home cage behavior as a readout of brain function in mice"

71. 09.09.11
Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki
"A classroom for mice: assessing cognitive functions in the home cage"

70. 28.06.11
EMBO, Practical Course on Mouse Phenotyping
"Interaction between mutations, genetic background and environment"

69. 10.05.11
IBANGS, 13th Annual Meeting Satellite Symposium
The long way from genotype to behavioral phenotype:
potential pitfalls and coping strategies
"Mouse phenotyping: Dealing with genetic background and environment
as sources of noise and bias"

68. 03.02.11
ZHIP, University of Zurich
Postgraduate Course: Mouse physiology and pathophysiology
"Behavior assessment"


67. 14.10.09
IPMB, University of Heidelberg
"When mice test themselves: the home cage as behavioral testing arena"

66. 03.04.09
ZHIP, University of Zurich
Postgraduate Course: Mouse physiology and pathophysiology
"How is my mouse behaving?"

65. 21.03.09
ESF Workshop "Large scale spatial cognition", Testa di Lepre, Roma
"Using GPS tracking to analyze social navigation in pigeons"

64. 11.03.09
1st ICLAS Spain Meeting , National Center of Cardiovascular Research, Madrid
"Phenotyping of genetically modified mice:
important considerations regarding genetic background"
[ abstract PDF 11K ]

63. 07.03.09
BrainFair 2009, University of Zurich
"Das Gehirn unter dem Mikroskop"


62. 28.10.08
Laboratory of Behavioural Neurobiology, ETH Zurich
Advanced issues in behavioral neuroscience lectures
"Using the home cage as behavioral testing arena for mice"

61. 26-29.08.08
6th Measuring Behavior Conference 2008, Maastricht
keynote lecture
"Automated testing of mouse behavior in the home cage: can it meet its promises?"

60. 31.05.08 11:30
Max-Planck-Institut für Experimentelle Medizin, Göttingen
"Behavioral phenotyping of mice: keeping pace with molecular genetics"


59. 18.12.07 16:30
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim
Sonderforschungsbereich 636
"Intelligent cages and smart cubes: new approaches to the phenotyping of mice"

58. 30.10.07 16:30
Institut für Veternärphysiologie, Zürich
Vetsuisse Fakultät
"Behavioral phenotyping of mice: challenges and perspectives"

57. 30.01.07 17:00
ETH und Universität Zürich
"Gehirn und Verhalten: Was können wir von Mäusen über Menschen lernen?"


56. 20.10.06 10:15
ZNZ Symposium 2006, Zürich
"Pigeon homing: benefits and cost of flying together"

55. 25.05.06 17:10
6. DBIOL-Symposium ETHZ, Davos
"Brain and behavior: insight into function from the study of animal movement"

54. 15.03.06 18:30
BrainFair 2006, Zürich
Symposium "Orientierung bei Maus und Mensch"
"Schwimmen im Trüben: ein Intelligenztest für Mäuse"


53. 12.09.05 09:00
6th Transgenic Technology Meeting, Barcelona
Session IV: Generation and breeding of transgenic mice
"Choice of strains/strain differences/modifiers"
[ handout PDF 271K | abstract PDF 7K ]

52. 03.06.05 15:00
Dept. of Basic Neurosciences, CMU, Geneva
Symposium "Animal experimentation in the Neurosciences",
"What can the analysis of mouse behavior tell us about brain function?"
[ program PDF 89K ]

51. 03.05.05 17:00
Laboratory of Behavioural Neurobiology, ETHZ
Schorenstrasse 16, CH-8603 Schwerzenbach
"Behavioral analysis of mouse mutants: is it the mutation, the genetic background or the environment?"

50. 30.03.05 17:15
University of Zürich, Institute of Anatomy
"One right, many wrongs? The role of leaders in pigeon group navigation"

49. 28.01.05 13:00
Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin
"Molecular and cellular cognition: perspectives and limits of mouse models"


48. 24.09.04 10:00
University of Zürich, Irchel Campus, 35F51
Symposium on "Animal Experimentation: Basics in Animal Behavior"
"From genotype to phenotype"

47. 21.09.04 11:20
University of Zürich, Irchel Campus, 35F32
"Gene, Gehirn und Verhalten: Einblicke in kognitive und motorische Funktionen durch Pfadanalyse"

46. 16.06.04
FELASA, 9. Meeting, Nantes, France
Session "Comparative functional genomics: animals get closer to human":
"A pragmatic approach to genetic background problems in the analysis of genetically modified mice"
[ abstract 7K ]

45. 04.06.04 11:00
IBMC Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal
Short Course "Introduction to rodent behaviour testing"
"Studying exploratory behaviour and anxiety"
[ abstract 6K ]

44. 03.06.04 17:30
IBMC Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal
Short Course "Introduction to rodent behaviour testing"
"Strategies in transgenic research: the importance of genetic background"
[ abstract 6K ]

43. 03.06.04 10:00
IBMC Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal
Short Course "Introduction to rodent behaviour testing"
"Molecular and genetic approaches in the study of neurobiology"
[ abstract 6K ]

42. 16.03.04
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany
"Behavioral analysis of forebrain TrkB receptor function in laboratory and naturalistic settings"


41. 18.12.03
University of Essen, Institute of Anatomy
"Extrazelluläre Proteasen und Anti-Proteasen im Gehirn: Bedeutung für Entwicklung und Plastizität"

40. 17.04.03
Fondation des Treilles, Tourtour, France
1st workshop on murine models of psychiatric disorders
"Behavioral correlates of hippocampal dysfunction in mice"
[ abstract 10K ]


39. 29.10.02
University Children's Hospital Zürich, Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry
"Klinisch-biochemisches Kolloquium"
"Behavioral analysis of forebrain TrkB receptor function"

37. 04.10.02
University of Fribourg
Symposium "Making sense of genes: Analysis of mouse mutants"
"Behavioural analysis of transgenic and knockout mice"

36. 27.09.02
University of Innsbruck, Institute of Pharmacy
Neuroscience Workshop
"Methods to study mouse behaviour"

35. 19.06.02
International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, XIth Meeting, Palazzo Congressi Capri
Satellite symposium "Animal models of AD"
"Tracing the behavioral phenotype of mouse mutants"


34. 28.11.01
University of Jena, Institute of Anatomy
"Extrazelluläre Proteasen und Anti-Proteasen: Bedeutung für Entwicklung und neuronale Plastizität"

33. 12.10.01
SGAHE/SSAHE, 63. annual meeting, Zürich
"Proteasen und Anti-Proteasen im Gehirn: ein gefährlicher Balanceakt im Dienste der neuronalen Plastizität"
[ abstract 9K | handout 3780K ]

32. 17.0.01
EMBO/FENS Practical Course on Mouse Transgenics and Behaviour, Zürich
"Is it the mutation, the genetic background or the environment?"
[ abstract 8K ]

31. 12.07.01
EMBO/FENS Practical Course on Mouse Transgenics and Behaviour, Zürich
"Advanced data analysis with Wintrack"
[ abstract 8K ]


30. 7.06.00
Ingenium Pharmaceuticals AG, Martinsried:
"Faktoranalysen von Spontan- und Lernverhalten nach Mass-Screening künstlich erzeugter Mutationen"

29. 6.05.00
University of Geneva, Institute of Ethology
"Watermaze learning in mice: spatial orientation versus behavioral flexibility"

28. 17.02.00
University of Cologne, Institue of Anatomy
Symposium "Behavioral Phenotyping of Mouse Mutants"
"Simple experimental solutions to the genetic background and flanking gene problem"

27. 06.01.00
University of Basel, Instute of Anatomy
"Genetische Selektion der Moosfaserprojektion in frei lebenden Labormäusen"

26. 06.12.99
University of Zürich, Anthropological Institute & Museum
"Unser Gehirn - Ein Netzwerk in permanentem Wandel"

25. 02.12.99
German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg
"Extracellular proteolysis: a role in long-term memory?"

24. 29.11.99
Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association
"Mutationseffekte und genetischer Hintergrund in transgenen Mausmodellen"

23. 11.10.99
University of Zürich, Anthropological Institute & Museum
Centenary Congress
"Big brains for bad genes - non-mental correlates of encephalization"

22. 25.08.99
University of Edinburgh, Centre for Neuroscience
"Is it the mutation or the genetic background? Lessons from meta-analysis of watermaze experiments"

21. 28.06.99
Universität Zürich, Aula
"Antrittsvorlesung: Unser Gehirn - Ein Netzwerk in permanentem Wandel"

20. 26.03.99
University of Hamburg, Centre for Molecular Neurobiology
"Behavioral analysis of genetically modified mice: Memory versus thigmotaxis and passivity"

19. 18.03.99
Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
Ringberg Symposium "Neurodegenerative diseases and synaptic transmission"
"Measuring spatial learning and memory in genetically modified mice"

18. 06.01.99
University of Fribourg
"Spatial learning in mutant mice: fact or artifact?"

17. 10.11.98
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, A. Silva
Practical Course Mouse Transgenics and Behavior
"Meta-analysis of behavior in large numbers of mutant and wildtype mice:
conclusions concerning genetic background"

16. 07.11.97
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, A. Silva
Practical Course Mouse Transgenics and Behavior
"The variability of the hippocampal mossy fiber projection and its behavioral correlates"

15. 10.11.97
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, A. Silva
Practical Course Mouse Transgenics and Behavior
"Meta-analysis of watermaze behavior"

14. 13.05.97
German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg
"Die Neuroanatomie von Lernen und Gedächtnis"

13. 26.10.96
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, A. Silva
Practical Course Mouse Transgenics and Behavior
"Dissecting cognitive and non-cognitive factors determining watermaze navigation in mice"

12. 07.04.94 12:15
University of Lausanne, Institute of Anatomy
"Providing molecular cues for growth cone guidance, target recognition and neuronal migration: multiple functions of TAG-1/axonin-1 in neural development"

11. 16.02.94 17:15
University of Zürich, Institute of Anatomy
"Morphologische Hinweise auf multiple Funktionen des Adhäsionsmoleküls
TAG-1/Axonin-1 in der Entwicklung des Nervensystems"

10. 26.01.94 11:15
University of Fribourg, Institute of Anatomy
"Developing long projections in the mammalian nervous system show
heterogeneous expression patterns of the axonal adhesion molecule TAG-1/axonin-1"

9. 27.11.92
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Anatomy
"Das Adhäsionsmolekül Axonin-1/TAG-1 als 'Ax-CAM' und 'Mig-CAM' in der Entwicklung des
Säuger-Nervensystems: morphologische Untersuchung an der Maus"

8. 25.06.92 14:30
Human Frontier Science Program & UK Medical Research Council
Workshop "From transgene to behavior", Kinross/Edinburgh, Scotland
"Performance of PrP deficient mice in hippocampus dependent behavioral tasks"

7. 20.03.92 15:00
USGEB/USSBE, 24. annual meeting, Basel
Symposium "'Structural aspects of CNS function"
"Lifetime changes in the hippocampal mossy fiber system of the guinea pig"

6. 11.12.91 17:15
University of Zürich, Institute of Anatomy
" Expression des Zelloberflächenmoleküls Axonin-1 bei Zellmigration und
Faserwachstum in der Entwicklung des Nervensystems der Hausmaus"