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Collect statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.

Collects tile values separately in each trial plane of a data surface to compute a data array.
Wintrack provides storage for 100 data values, referred to as A001-A100.


Name parameter indicating the source data surface. Valid surface names are S1 through S5. There is no default for this parameter.

Name parameter indicating the target data array. Valid array names are A001 through A100. There is no default for this parameter.

Radio button parameter indicating the computation mode to be applied. There is no default for this parameter, specify one of the following options:

  • Max = select the largest tile value.
  • Min = select the smallest tile value.
  • Ave = compute the average of all tile values.
  • Sdev = compute the standard deviation of all tiles that are not empty
  • SdevNozero = same as Sdev, but computation ignores tiles whose value equals 0
  • Scat = as a measure for value scattering or dispersion, compute the cumulative distance between all possible pairs of tiles whose value is greater than the average of all tiles. Result is undefined if all tiles have the same value. It is 0 if only one tile has a value greater than average.
  • ScatNozero = same as Scat, but computation ignores tiles whose value equals 0
  • Sum = compute the sum of all tile values.
  • Count = count all tiles that are not empty.

Note that...

Before you can collect tile values, you must create a data surface using the Surface statement. You can apply the Collect statement several times to compute different data arrays using the same data surface.

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