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Discard statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.

Discards trials of the case document being analyzed based on the evaluation of the values of a source array or combination of source arrays.


Name parameter indicating either the name of a source array or an expression of array names or array names and constants. Valid array names are A001 through A100. There is no default for this parameter. If an expression is specified, the arrays are combined element by element before the extraction is performed.

Radio button parameter indicating the rule to be used for the evaluation of the source array or expression. There is no default, specify one of the following options:

  • Greater = discard all trials with values greater than Crit
  • Less = discard all trials with values less than Crit
  • Equal = discard all trials with values equal to Crit
  • AfterGreater = discard all trials after first with value greater than Crit
  • AfterLess = discard all trials after first with value less than Crit
  • AfterEqual = discard all trials after first with value equal to Crit
  • ToGreater = discard all trials up to and including first with value greater than Crit
  • ToLess = discard all trials up to and including first with value less than Crit
  • ToEqual = discard all trials up to and including first with value equal to Crit

Number parameter indicating the criterion to be used.

Note that...

Discarded trials will be regarded as missing by all subsequent Matrix statements but no data is actually physically deleted.

Additional information...

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