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Nesting macros

Wintrack allows for up to ten levels of macro nesting. You call a macro from within another macro by including a macro call statement:

[path\]macro_file [parameter_1] [parameter_2] ...

A macro call statement consists of the name of one of your macro files (without the extension .MAK) and an optional list of parameters. You do not need to specify a full file path if the called macro resides in the same directory as the calling macro and if that directory has been made the current macro directory by activating the set macro directory option of the Run Macro command. Macros that are called by other macros cannot run macro dialogs. They may well have a [dialogs] section, but it will be ignored. Yet, to pass parameter values from the calling macro to the called macro you still have three possibilities:

  • Explicit specification of the values in the text of the called macro.
  • Runtime specification, which means to include a list of parameter values in the macro call statement. This has the same effect as entering parameters in the parameters field when you use the Run Macro command to run a macro.
  • You can have the called macro reference a scrollsheet and use it as a parameter table.

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