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Explicit parameter specification

The statements in a macro usually have parameters that need to be assigned values. Explicit specification ("hard coding") of these values in the macro text is the simplest but also the least flexible way to accomplish this. Yet, you can add some flexibility by using history lists and defaults:


You assign values to parameters by typing the parameter name followed by an equal sign and the value you wish to assign to the parameter.


If you merely type parameter names but do not add values, Wintrack will assign default values to the parameters. It is not even necessary to type parameter names, Wintrack will also use the default if you do not mention a parameter at all. Be careful, however! Some parameters have no defaults!


If you place the history prefix /h/ in front of a parameter name, Wintrack will use the most recently used value from the parameter's history list. Macro statements share the same history list with the corresponding menu command and dialog box. This means that the parameter values you access in macro statements are the same as those that appear in the drop down lists of the corresponding dialog box. Each time you assign a value to a particular parameter, be it by typing in a dialog box or when executing a macro statement, this value will be added to the parameter's shared history list.


You can also place the history prefix /h/ in front of the command name. Wintrack will then pick most recently used values from their history lists for all parameters. When you use this feature, you can still assign the default value to a parameter by placing a double slash // in front of the parameter name.


There is no problem in mixing the different flavors of explicit parameter specification in the same statement. In the example shown at left, Wintrack will use the default for Param_1, assign the specified value to Param_4 and use the history lists for Param_2 and Param_3.

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