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Import Route Recorder dialog

How to fill in the dialog box fields...

Fill in the dialog box fields as indicated below. You may also accept presented default values and options. Disregard grayed fields and options. When done, press Ok to continue. Or press Cancel to abort.

data file
Use this file field to specify the name and location of the route recorder data file you want to import. This file is supposed to contain the raw byte values downloaded from the recorder device.

table file
Use this file field to specify the name and location of the ASCII (.TAB) or binary (.BIN) table file providing the calibration for the route recorder.

coordinates [m]
Use this array field to indicate the coordinates of the release and target site. Four numbers are expected in the following order: x-coordinate of release, y-coordinate of release, x-coordinate of target, y-coordinate of target. The specified values must fit within the current arena boundaries.

flight criteria and rest criteria
Use this array field to indicate the criteria for flight and rest phases. In each field, three integer numbers are expected in the following order:

  • lower limit for direction change since previous sample,
  • upper limit for direction change since previous sample,
  • number of subsequent points which must fall within the direction change limits for a new phase to begin.

Setting the flight criteria to 5,360,5 and the rest criteria to 0,5,5 should produce satisfactory results in most cases. During resting periods, direction changes are typically 0° with occasional moves not exceeding 5°. During flight periods, direction values change from sample to sample, typically by more than 5°.

Use this radio button field to select a size for the new window:

  • normal = default size assigned by Windows™,
  • fit to data = automatic fit of data to be shown,
  • maximize = maximize new window,
  • minimize = minimize as icon,
  • none = do not display a window.

recorder start, release , arrival
Use these time fields to indicate the day time when

  • the recorder was started,
  • the animal was released,
  • and when the animals arrived at the goal site.

Data is always imported from the beginning, but the status of all points is set "ignore point" until the release time is reached. If 00:00:00 is specified as arrival time, the arrival time will be inferred from the end of the recorder data. However, if an arrival time is specified, import will stop at the corresponding point.

sampling interval [s]
Use this number field to indicate the interval at which data has been sampled and stored by the recorder device.

smoothing frame [s]
Use this number field to indicate the time window to be used for running average smoothing of the raw data and/or built path. A setting of 12 should give good results in most cases.

Use this check box field to select one or more options:

  • edit data = run the Edit Route Recorder dialog which allows to view and edit raw data while importing it,
  • smooth raw data = perform running average smoothing of raw direction values,
  • smooth path data = perform running average smoothing of xy data of the built path.

Under usual conditions, best results are obtained if smoothing of both raw direction values and xy data are enabled.

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