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New Surface Document statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Name parameter indicating a prefix which is combined with the name of the plotted surface variable(s) to form the caption of the window(s) to be created. If none is specified, an unique default name is used.

Radio button parameter indicating a transformation to be applied to the data before they are plotted. Default = None, else any of the following options:

  • None = plot data without transformation,
  • ArenaZ = apply a z-transformation to all tiles that overlap the arena,
  • NoZeroZ = apply a z-transformation to all tiles that contain non-zero values and ignore all cells with zero-values,
  • ArenaR = calculate the observed/chance ratio for all tiles that overlap the arena,
  • NoZeroR = calculate the observed/chance ratio for all tiles that contain non-zero values and ignore all cells with zero-values.

Radio button parameter indicating the size of the new window. Default = Norm, else any of the following options:

  • Norm = default size assigned by Windows™,
  • Fit = automatic fit of data to be shown,
  • Max = maximize window,
  • Min = minimize as icon,

Note that...

A scrollsheet containing the surface variable which is to be plotted must be active when the command is invoked. A single surface document can only plot data from one surface variable. If the active scrollsheet contains more than one surface variable, Wintrack will create as many different surface documents as necessary to plot all the variables.

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