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Surface Properties statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Name parameter indicating the name of the surface document to be affected by the command. Default: the topmost case document.

Radio button parameter indicating the desired color scheme. Default = GreenYellowRed, else one of the following options:

  • GreenYellowRed = midrange values yellow, positive values with increasingly saturated dark red, negative values with increasingly saturated dark green.
  • Gray = grayscale: light gray to dark gray.
  • Inv = inverted (negative) grayscale.
  • FireBlue = white, yellow, red, dark blue.
  • FireRed = white, yellow, red, brown.
  • BlueGrayRed = midrange values gray, positive values with increasingly saturated red, negative values with increasingly saturated blue.
  • BlueWhiteRed = midrange values white, positive values with increasingly saturated red, negative values with increasingly saturated blue.
  • Rainbow = blue, cyan, green, yellow, red, brown.
  • Ice = cyan, blue, magenta, red.
  • RedGrayGreen = midrange values light gray, positive values with increasingly saturated green, negative values with increasingly saturated red.

Radio button parameter indicating how the 11 values of the color scale should be defined. Default = AutMean, else one of the following options:

  • AutLin = automatic linear scale with highest data value at the upper end of the scale and smallest value at the lower end.
  • AutMean = automatic scale with highest data value at the upper end, smallest value at the lower end, and the mean in the middle of the scale.
  • ManLin = manual linear scale with maximum and minimum specified in the Sval parameter.
  • ManMid = manual scale with maximum, minimum and middle value specified in the Sval parameter.
  • ManAll = manual scale with all eleven values specified in the Sval parameter.

Array parameter indicating the scale values. Ignored if Sopt=AutLin or Sopt=AutMean. Two values (maximum and minimum) are expected if Sopt=ManLin. Three values (maximum, minimum, scale center) are expected if Sopt=ManCenMean. Eleven scale values are expected if Sopt=ManAll.

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