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How to create bullets

Bullets are similar to profile variables in that they describe single data points and provide a trial profile for a given parameter, for example speed. However, instead of writing the profile to a scrollsheet, the profile values are used to control the color and/or size of bullets that are drawn on top of the corresponding data points in the case window. As you process the bullet definitions, the Analyze Case Document command leaves you a choice of either analyzing all trials in a case document or only a selection of trials. Creating bullets requires the following sequence of statements:

  1. Create an active data matrix and selection mask using an appropriate combination of Matrix, Transform, Include and Exclude statements.
  2. Use the Bullet statement to draw bullets on top of the data points which are represented by the cells in the active data matrix. Bullets are defined as fields in the current custom setup file. You assign one bullet each to the extremes of a range of values. The actual bullet drawn on top of a data point will be an interpolation between the extremes based on the value of the data matrix cell belonging to that data point. You can apply more than one Bullet statement to the same data matrix to visualize multiple ranges of values.
  3. You may repeat steps 1 and 2 as many times as you wish, in order to visualize data from different data matrices.

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