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Bullets statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.

Visualizes the content of the active data matrix and selection mask by drawing bullets on top or underneath of the corresponding points of the paths displayed in the case window. Bullets are defined as fields in the current setup. You assign one bullet each to the extremes of a range of values. Fill color and size of the actual bullets will be an interpolation between the extremes, based on the value of the matrix cell belonging to each data point. If the border style of the bullet fields is Null, bullets are drawn underneath the path, else on top of it with a thin black border.


Number parameter indicating the lower end of the range of values to be visualized. There is no default for this parameter.

Number parameter indicating the upper end of the range of values to be visualized. There is no default for this parameter.

Name parameter indicating the name of the field in the currently loaded setup that defines the bullet which is to be associated with MinVal.

Name parameter indicating the name of the field in the currently loaded setup that defines the bullet which is to be associated with MaxVal.

Note that...

You must execute the Matrix statement at least once to create an active data matrix and build a selection mask using the Include and/or Exclude statements, before you can use the Bullets statement. You can apply more than one Bullet statement to the same matrix to visualize multiple ranges of values. The range of processed trials can be restricted as the variable definition file is later processed using the Analyze Case Document command.

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