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Field statement

-PathEnd-PathCen-Round-Rectangle-Corners-Polar-Auto-Pixel] [bColor=red,green,blue] [bStyle=Solid|Null|Dash|Dot|DashDot|DashDotDot] [bWidth=border_width] [fColor=red,green,blue] [fStyle=Solid|Null|Horz|Vert|aDiag|dDiag|cDiag|Cross]

Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Rectangle parameter indicating the xy position of the field center and the width and height of its bounding rectangle. No default, this parameter can only be omitted when using the automatic field positioning feature (see below).

Number parameter indicating the rotation angle of the field in degrees. The field as specified by the Rect parameter is rotated to its effective position by the specified angle around the arena center. Positive values indicate counter-clockwise rotation. Default=0. This parameter is ignored unless Type=Rectangle. It is also ignored if Type=PathBegin or Type=PathEnd.

Range parameter indicating the range of trials for which the field is relevant. Default = all trials. If a field changes properties with trials, use Field statements that share the same field name but have non-overlapping trial ranges.

Range parameter indicating the range of setup versions for which the field is relevant. Default = all versions. If a field changes properties with setup versions, use Field statements that share the same field name but have non-overlapping version ranges.

Check box parameter indicating field properties. Default = Visible,Round, else any combination of the following:

  • Visible = always display and print field.
  • Hidden = display and print field only if used as bullet. Overrides Visible if both options are activated simultaneously.
  • PathBegin = instead of positioning field at center_x,center_y as specified in Rect, relocate its center to the beginning of the path. Overrides PathEnd if both options are activated simultaneously.
  • PathEnd = instead of positioning field at center_x,center_y as specified in Rect, relocate its center to the end of the path.
  • PathCen = instead of positioning field at center_x,center_y as specified in Rect, relocate its center to the gravity center of the path.
  • Rectangle = rectangle of size and position specified in the Rect parameter. Overrides Round if both options are activated simultaneously.
  • Round = circle or oval inscribed in the bounding rectangle specified in the Rect parameter.
  • Corners: Rect to be interpreted as Rect=left,bottom,right,top rather than as Rect=center_x,center_y,width,height.
  • Polar: Rect to be interpreted as Rect=radius,angle,width,heigth rather than as Rect=center_x,center_y,width,height. Polar coordinates refer to the center of the setup (o/o).
  • Auto = automatic field position and size (see below). The Rect parameter can be omitted if this option is selected.
  • Pixel = coordinates of Rect are given in Wintrack workspace pixels, not in real world metric units.

Color parameter indicating RGB color for field border. Default is black.

Radio button parameter indicating the border style of the field. Default is Solid, else one of the following:

  • Solid = solid line,
  • Null = no border,
  • Dash = dashed line,
  • Dot = dotted line,
  • DashDot = dash-dot line,
  • DashDotDot = dash-dot-dot line.

Number parameter indicating the with of the field border in metric units.

Color parameter indicating RGB color for field fill. Default is white.

Radio button parameter indicating the fill style of the field. Default is Solid, else one of the following:

  • Solid = solid fill,
  • Null = transparent,
  • Horz = horizontal hatch,
  • Vert = vertical hatch,
  • aDiag = ascending diagonal hatch,
  • dDiag = descending diagonal hatch,
  • cDiag = diagonal crossed hatch,
  • Cross = crossed hatch.

Automatic field positioning...

You can omit the specification of a field rectangle and let Wintrack automatically
position a field if the following conditions are met:

  • The field must have one of the following reserved field names referring to standard positions in a typical four-quadrant watermaze setup:
    • Goal (actual goal)
    • Cleft (adjacent left to actual goal)
    • Cright (adjacent right to actual goal)
    • Coppos (opposite to actual goal)
    • Old (previous goal)
    • Oleft (adjacent left to previous goal)
    • Oright (adjacent right to previous goal)
    • Ooppos (opposite to previous goal)
    • quadGoal (actual goal quadrant)
    • quadCleft (quadrant adjacent left to actual goal)
    • quadCright (quadrant adjacent right to actual goal)
    • quadCoppos (quadrant opposite to actual goal)
    • quadOld (previous goal quadrant)
    • quadOleft (quadrant adjacent left to previous goal)
    • quadOright (quadrant adjacent right to previous goal)
    • quadOoppos (quadrant opposite to previous goal)
  • The case documents you are working with must include goal position information. This may not be the case with documents that were created or imported by earlier versions of Wintrack.
  • The custom setup must contain five fields with reserved names and Type=Hidden which specify the goal rectangle for all five potential goal positions in a typical watermaze setup. Wintrack reads the goal position information in each case document and uses it to select the appropriate goal rectangle:
    • NE (Northeast)
    • NW (Northwest)
    • SE (Southeast)
    • SW (Southwest)
    • CT (center)

Note that...

Field names may contain any characters except spaces. Do not use the reserved field names Path and Arena for naming regular fields. Maximal length is 32 characters. Fields are drawn and printed in the same order as listed in the setup file. This means fields defined near the end of the file will appear on top of those listed near the beginning of the file. Bullets always appear on top of all other fields.

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