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Transform Path statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Name parameter indicating the name of the case document to be affected by the command. Default is the topmost case document.

Range parameter indicating the range of trials to be transformed. By default all trials in the case are deleted.

Range parameter indicating the range of versions to be affected. By default all versions are deleted. If an explicit range of versions is specified, case documents whose version is not part of that range will remain unaffected by the command.

Array parameter indicating the translation vector. Two numbers are expected in the following order: dx = displacement in x-direction, dY = displacement in y-direction. All measures in m. Default = 0,0 = no translation.

Array parameter indicating the scaling factors. Two numbers are expected in the following order: fX = scaling factor in x-direction, fY = scaling factor in y-direction. The scale is changed relative to the maze center which itself does not change position. Default = 0,0 = no scaling.

Number parameter indicating the angle for a rotation around the arena center. Positive values lead to clockwise rotation. Default = 0 = no rotation.

Array parameter indicating the parameters for North East corner correction. Seven numbers are expected in the following order: dX = maximal displacement in x-direction, dY = maximal displacement in y-direction, PtgtX = x-coordinate of target corner point, PtgtY = y-coordinate of target corner point, PnX = x-coordinate of center of neutral zone, PnY = y-coordinate of center of neutral zone, Rn = radius of neutral zone. All measures in m. Point within the neutral zone are not changed. Outside this zone the translation distance increases with the distance from the neutral zone but never exceeds the specified maximum. Default = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 = no corner correction.

Array parameter indicating the parameters for North West corner correction. Seven numbers are expected in the following order: dX = maximal displacement in x-direction, dY = maximal displacement in y-direction, PtgtX = x-coordinate of target corner point, PtgtY = y-coordinate of target corner point, PnX = x-coordinate of center of neutral zone, PnY = y-coordinate of center of neutral zone, Rn = radius of neutral zone. All measures in m. Point within the neutral zone are not changed. Outside this zone the translation distance increases with the distance from the neutral zone but never exceeds the specified maximum. Default = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 = no corner correction.

Array parameter indicating the parameters for South East corner correction. Seven numbers are expected in the following order: dX = maximal displacement in x-direction, dY = maximal displacement in y-direction, PtgtX = x-coordinate of target corner point, PtgtY = y-coordinate of target corner point, PnX = x-coordinate of center of neutral zone, PnY = y-coordinate of center of neutral zone, Rn = radius of neutral zone. All measures in m. Point within the neutral zone are not changed. Outside this zone the translation distance increases with the distance from the neutral zone but never exceeds the specified maximum. Default = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 = no corner correction.

Array parameter indicating the parameters for South West corner correction. Seven numbers are expected in the following order: dX = maximal displacement in x-direction, dY = maximal displacement in y-direction, PtgtX = x-coordinate of target corner point, PtgtY = y-coordinate of target corner point, PnX = x-coordinate of center of neutral zone, PnY = y-coordinate of center of neutral zone, Rn = radius of neutral zone. All measures in m. Point within the neutral zone are not changed. Outside this zone the translation distance increases with the distance from the neutral zone but never exceeds the specified maximum. Default = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 = no corner correction.

Note that...

The order of execution is as flollows): linear translation, linear scaling, rotation, correction of corner distortions due to fisheye lenses (NE, NW, SE, SW). This command does not only change the appearance of the document, but actually physically modifies the path data. When using this command make sure you keep a copy of the original data.

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