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Save Scrollsheet As statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Name parameter indicating the name of the scrollsheet to be affected by the command. Default: the topmost scrollsheet.

File parameter indicating the name and location of the file to save to. Wintrack scrollsheet files (.WTB) and text files (.TXT) are accepted, no default.

Check box parameter indicating execution options. Default = None, else any combination of the following options:

  • Nam = export column names from the first row of the scrollsheet,
  • Cmt = export column comments from the second row of the scrollsheet,
  • Fskip = export without the columns that were designated fixed during creation or import of the scrollsheet (leftmost columns appearing on white background),
  • None = deselect all options.

Radio button parameter indicating the format for target file. Default = WTB, else one of the following formats:

  • Normal = Wintrack scrollsheet file (expected extension is .WTB),
  • Text = tab-delimited text format compatible with MS Excel™ and other Windows applications (expected extension is .TXT, recommended exchange format),
  • Comma = comma-delimited text format compatible with MS Excel™ and other Windows applications (expected extension is .CSV),
  • Fixedw = space delimited text format with fixed column width (expected extension is .LOG)

Radio button parameter indicating the destination for the data. Default = File, else one of:

  • Clipboard = copy the scrollsheet content to the Windows™ clipboard for transfer to other Windows™ applications,
  • File = save to a text or scrollsheet file.

Note that...

If Tgt=Clipboard, any specified target file path and format is ignored, clipboard data has always tab-delimited text format. The parameter Optn only takes effect if Tgt=Clipboard, or if Tgt=File and Fmat not = Normal..

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