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New Scrollsheet statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Name parameter indicating the caption of the window to be created. If none is specified, an unique default name is created.

Radio button parameter indicating the data to be loaded into the new scrollsheet. Default = Empty, else one of the following options:

  • Empty = load no data, create an empty scrollsheet,
  • Clipboard = load the scrollsheet with the content of the clipboard.

Check box parameter indicating execution options. Default = None, else any combination of the following options:

  • Nam = import column names from the first row of data,
  • Cmt = import column comments from the second row of data,
  • Auto = use numbers in first data row as a template for formatting numeric columns.

Radio button parameter indicating the size of the new window. Default = Norm, else any of the following options:

  • Norm = default size assigned by Windows™,
  • Fit = automatic fit of data to be shown,
  • Max = maximize window,
  • Min = minimize as icon,

Number parameter indicating the number of non scrolling columns at left edge of the scrollsheet. Default = 0.

Note that...

The Optn and Fix parameters take only effect if Data=Clipboard.

Additional information...

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