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Case Properties statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


Name parameter indicating the name of the case document to be affected by the command. Default: the topmost case document.

Number parameter indicating the total number of trials in the case. Accepted values: 0-1024, default: 1.

Number parameter indicating the number of columns of trials/sessions to be displayed at a time. Accepted values: 0-500, default: 6. Value is ignored if ViewMod=Ovrl.

Number parameter indicating the number of rows of trials/sessions to be displayed at a time. Accepted values: 0-500, default: 5. Value is ignored if ViewMod=Ovrl.

Number parameter indicating the setup version to be used for the case. Accepted values: 0-1024, default: 1.

Range parameter listing all trials which are to appear at the beginning of a new row. By default all trials are placed in one single row.

Radio button parameter indicating how multiple trials should be displayed. Default = Indep, else one of the following options:

  • Indep = separate trial views whose zoom states
    and time windows can be set independently,
  • Sync = trial views still displayed separately but
    with synchronized zoom state and time window,
  • Ovrl = zoom state and time window synchronized
    and trial views displayed on top of each other.

Note that...

If you specify a new number of trials which is smaller than the number of trials in the case, extra trials will be erased permanently!. If not all rows and columns of the layout fit in the case document window, a scroll bar will allow to scroll in columns and rows that are out of view.

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