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Acquire Noldus Experiment Statement

[[/h/]GapEnds[=gap_ends]] [[/h/]Exp[=exp_name]] [[/h/]BehavStop[=key_map]] [[/h/]BehavExcl[=key_map]]
Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


File parameter indicating the Noldus™ EthoVision 2.3 workspace (.EWS) file or EthoVision DOS experiment (.EXP) file to import from. Must be specified, there is no default.

Number parameter indicating a sampling interval. Default is 0.24. This parameter is only considered during import from EthoVision DOS.

Number parameter indicating an area scaling factor for the import of object surface area. Default is 1. This parameter is only considered during import from EthoVision 2.3. A value of 1 will import object surface area in pixels. A value of 0.1366 tranforms object surface area to EthoVision DOS pixels.

Number parameter indicating the number of columns of trials to be displayed at a time in the created case document.

Number parameter indicating the number of rows of trials to be displayed at a time in the created case document.

Range parameter listing all trials which are to appear at the beginning of a new row in the created case document. By default all trials are placed in one single row.

Range parameter listing all trials at which the experiment may resume after skipping a series of trials. This parameter helps to prevent inappropriate "gap ahead", "gap behind", "truncation ahead", "truncation behind", and "trial out of range" error messages during import of data from experiments in which animals typically perform only part of the possible trials, e.g. in training to criterion schedules.

Name parameter specifying the name of the Noldus EthoVision 2.3 experiment to import from. This parameter is ignored during import from EthoVision DOS.

Name parameter specifying the key map to import behaviors that were recorded with the EthoVision 2.3 manual event recorder using the Start/Stop method. To map them to the Wintrack event keys F1-12 or Space, use the syntax indicated by the following example: groom=F1,rear=F2,off=Space. Please note that the field text must not contain spaces. Behavior names must be identical to the ones defined in EthoVision. Type none if you do not want to import any such behaviors. This parameter is ignored during import from EthoVision DOS.

Name parameter specifying the key map to import behaviors that were recorded with the EthoVision 2.3 manual event recorder using the Mutually Exclusive method. This parameter is used in the same way as the parameter BehavStop and is ignored as well during import from EthoVision DOS.

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